Raisin bran for breakfast because I was tired, lacking coffee, and not in the mood to create anything good. I promise I'll eat something fun tomorrow!

If my dog Miles had a blog, he'd post this picture twice a day.

Poor Miles eats 1 cup of Purina kibbles every morning and evening. He gets treats to liven things up. But since he's trying to prevent that doggy weight gain, he needs to snack in moderation!

I snacked on an apple and some string cheese around 10:30 am. This apple is from MA orchard. All of the other apples I've eaten are from NY. The NY apples are much sweeter than this MA one. I was disappointed. Maybe tomorrow I'll have better luck with fruit.

What is wrong with this picture?!?! I guess this is my punishment for eating a crappy frozen meal. The chicken doesn't look very appealing in real life. I ate it because I was hungry but it was nothing to brag about.
I went to the Beacon Hill Athletic Club to cancel my membership. Since I was already at the gym, I decided to do one last workout. I read
Running Times while I climbed on the Stair Master for 22 minutes. I thought Running Times would give me confidence for the 1/2 marathon. Instead it made me feel like crap. Everyone in the magazine is a REAL runner. They have training schedules, perform at super speeds, and can handle long distances. I need some big time encouragement for the 1/2 Marathon on October 11th! At least I learned how to hydrate and replenish electrolytes as well as how to warmup before workouts and the race.
I had time to squeeze in a quick ab workout before getting ready to go back to work. Everyone at the BHAC is so nice and I feel bad about leaving. But HealthWorks is going to help me get the most out of my lunch time workouts. I'm even going to attempt to follow a weekly workout schedule. (I haven't followed a training schedule since college when I had cheerleading practice 5-6 days/week!)

My favorite flavor of Luna bar so far! I have to remind myself that I am on the hunt for new foods (bars included) I tend to get stuck in ruts and eat the same thing several days in a row.

I ran out of snacks so I decided to try to get rid of my afternoon munchies by making my own ice tea. Here's the
Before shot....

And the
After. Love my Wall-E wallpaper on my computer. I'm not even going to try to pick a favorite Disney character, but he's definitely in my top 5.
And from last night:
Oops....here's my dinner. Jared and I got caught up cleaning out the DVR so I forgot to blog. We watched The Amazing Race, Say Yes to the Dress (ok only I watched that one), Hung, and Entourage.

Couscous! Plus 2 pieces of chicken hidden in there somewhere. Accompanied by a glass of Malbec.
I love that Luna flavor.
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy Healthworks. It seems like a cool place.
I get intimidated by runners in magazines too. Even other bloggers intimidate me! I just try to remember that I'm not in competition with anyone and just do my best. Good luck!
Thanks. I'm going to need lots of luck to get through the next week and a half of running. 8 miles tomorrow night after work...yikes!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely intimidated by blogger veterans. My blog is such a baby; it's not even a month old yet. But you're totally right. I'm doing this for me so I shouldn't be concerned with anyone else!